Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
All patients with a confirmed diagnosis of Barrett’s oesophagus will be invited to participate in this registry. To minimise bias all patients who meet the inclusion criteria will be invited to participate.
Participating public hospitals are:
If you are working in the participating hospital, contact the PI (below), alternatively you can contact the registry coordinator
Informed consent will be obtained from all eligible patients before they can be entered in this registry. Their treating specialist or an approved delegate will take the consent. The consent forms, along with any paper-based records, will be securely retained on site in locked cabinets.
To withdraw from the registry, a participant may contact a member of the study team who will
document that a participant would like to withdraw from the registry. Contact may be in writing or
by telephone. A participant does not have to provide a reason for withdrawing from this registry.
Copyright © 2024 Western Australia Barrett's Oesophagus Registry - All Rights Reserved.